Saturday 14 July 2012

Bond at 50: Worst Bond Film Moments

 For all the great James Bond has given over the years, there are inevitably those occasional moments in the series that are quite simply embarrassing. In an odd kind of way though, I think it's these moments of pure awfulness, that Bond is so so loved.

5. Double-taking Pigeon (Moonraker)
 It's not so much the double-taking pigeon, in fact the double-taking pigeon is so bad, it's enjoyable. It's the whole gondola sequence, but I enjoy the Pigeon so much I thought I'd name this entry after him. The rest of this sequence is just awful, almost so bad it's good, but it's in a Bond film, so sadly it's just plain awful. I mean not even a poor man's BBC Three comedy would resort to such unamusing slapstick. The man who's thought he's drunk too much, the waiter pouring in to a patron's lap and of course the SO in love couple on the gondola. It's so awful that you can watch it below:

4. Tarzan Scream?!?!?!?!?!??!??? (Octopussy)
 I don't know whether this has garnered enough question marks in my heading. It's fair to say that the Moore films have had their fair share of questionable moments unbefitting an MI6 agent. I like to make the assumption that there was a severe malfunction at the sound editing studio that day, that's why this isn't higher. I'm a bit at a loss for words on this one, an extremely bizarre moment yet again in another movie peppered (not J.W.) with them.

3. "I Love James So Much!" (License to Kill)
 I don't like License To Kill, it's too out of sync with all the other Bond movies, and I find it a bit too dull. For all it's defender's who claim it's gritty and violent, this one line utter by the character Lupe Lamore is so cringe inducing and totally off base, that it makes the film noticeably worse. It kind of vindicate's my opinion that it's my least favourite Bond film, though I admit it's not the worst.

2. Windsurfing on a 100ft Wave (Die Another Day)
 I think Die Another Day is predominately despised due to this one outrageous use of CGI, but I don't mind the film too much, even with Madonna's contributions to it. This surfing sequence is just so over the top, what with a giant ray from space also chasing our hero and him using a car door as his surf board, it just beggars belief. The CGI is impressively bad, I can't believe they left it in the film, I guess that the sequence was needed so they got stuck with it. A far cry from the excellent stunts and action sequences of Brosnan's work in Goldeneye.

1. They Ruined Jaws (Moonraker)
 I'm not sure whether Moonraker is definetly the worst Bond movie, it's fairly easy watching at least. Even the aforementioned awful gondola sequence has it's moment (pigeon). The thing I can't forgive it for is it's gradual, but violent destruction of henchman Jaws. Of course the main problem is that everyone likes him, but we don't want to see him as a reformed character, falling in love with some lame mousy goody goody; or helping save the life of Bond and his lady friend. Then to give a throw away line of how he survives at the end is just insulting to the audience. Yes we like Jaws, but he's an immovable object that James has to defeat, not to become friends with and regale tales of old times at the annual Henley Regatta.

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